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ORIENTATION WEEK - 15 feb ~ 19 feb 2021

We were back on campus, and getting ready to be in the creative sphere once more during these confusing time. We kicked off with an Orientation week project, where we had to complete a visual audit of a chosen business, and  identify a business partner that we will offer a new value proposition to , for the customers. 


At first, I was not in a good mindstate of working, but as the days went by, my mindstate returned to its normal state and I started to work. This project has given me more insight when it comes to research and has introduced me to a new way of researching.

BAOAcTIVE LIVE BRIEF - 22 feb ~ 5 mar 2021

As the journey continues, we head off to the second week of being back at campus. We kicked off with a Live Brief session , where we had to deal with a real-time client. We had to produce two label designs for a new product range for the superfood company, BaoActive. 


At first, I was nervous since we are working alongside a real-time client and professional designer, but at the end of the two-week period, I was happy and thrilled because I have acquired skills from the designer and new ways of conceptualizing. With the experience of working with a real-time client, it has helped me gain a new perspective of how the Design space works.

GIGAMAP - 8 MARcH ~ 12 MARcH 2021

After two weeks of hardwork and dedication, we kicked off the fourth week on a more tranquil note.


We were introduced to a tool that allows researchers to better organize information in order to understand complex scenarios, called Gigamapping. We were required to conduct research based on the design agency allocated to us, then from the information obtained, we create a Gigamap for the design agency by using an online platform called MIRO.


As this was new to me, I ended up learning and gaining more ways of conducting research in a organised manner, without any mishap.




After a wholesome and exciting week of creating Gigamaps, we kicked off the following week with Research for Report Writing.


Personally, I was not mentally ready as I was anxious by the thought of the workload. We were tasked to write about a Problem statement and Research questions related to a particular focus under out given theme, introduce a methodology to be implemented and compile a Research Design Report.

Lodi's After effects training session - 29 MARcH ~ 31 MARcH 2021

As we are about to close off the Research for Report Writing week, we head off to a new week with a new part-time lecturer, Mr Lodi Paul Inga.


Mr Lodi introduced us to Adobe After Effects. It was my first time using the programme. At first, I was fascinated by the interface and became a bit confused because of the new experience with the programme, plus it was out of my comfort zone. The training session with Lodi went well, as I have gained more knowledge by rewatching the recorded videos and practicing on my own.


We were tasked to create a Kinetic Logo & Type animation by using the logo and catch phrase of the design agenc allocated, with a duration of 16 seconds. I have applied the set of skills that I had acquired and created a short Kinetic Logo & Type animation of Forticude Design Studio.


Methodologies, Methods and Approaches - 13 - 16 april 2021

We kick off with our next phases for our RRW Projet. We were reating the tools to collect our data selected by using a methodology, and by providing a two method introduction (1 page) of the type of methodology that I have hosen


We also compiled a sampling and population page discussion on research ethics and protocols. I was a bit nervous at first sine its the first time we're going further into the researh proess, but at the end it was enjoyable and beneficial.

Wix Website and Design Report structure - 19 - 23 april 2021

For this week, we were busy with our ISTD brief. We went through an exploration phase, where we brainstormed & oneptualized in order to go to the Design Phase.


I really enjoyed this ISTD brief, as it has broaden my knowlede of Typography in ways that I thought weren't possible, plus it also took me out of my omfort zone. 

Ingredients of Me tin - 26 - 30 april 2021

For this week, we were tasked to come up with a tin that represents our personality as an individual, and identity as a designer, and the ontent inside has to be that is meaningful to us, as a individual.


I really enjoyed this one as I have truly shown my set of hard skills  that I have obtained over the years as a Visual Communiation Designer student, plus has also broaden my horizon and took me out of my comfort zone.

ISTD Brief & Design phase - 17 - 28 may 2021



For this week, we were busy with our ISTD brief. We went through an exploration phase, where we brainstormed & oneptualized in order to go to the Design Phase.


I really enjoyed this ISTD brief, as it has broaden my knowlede of Typoraphy in ways that I thought weren't possible, plus it also took me out of my omfort zone. 

RRW Analysis and Making Sense of YOUR Data - 26 JULY & 30 JULY 2021

We were assigned the task of developing our Design brief for the Core Design Project so that we could begin thinking and developing our concept.


Because I am balancing university work with freelancing, I felt overwhelmed, nervous, and tired by the workload during the process, but all worked out in the end because I learned how to properly improve my time management.


We were assigned daily assignments for the Research Report and Writing project that centered on obtaining information from the chosen target audience, analyzing the data in a specific method, and visualizing the data in order to make it presentable.

CDP project conceptual phase - 23 - 27 AUG 2021

As were are lose to the last term/semester, we are about to finalize our  Core Design Project brief in order to go to the next step, which is the Coneptualization Phase.


We had a Adobe Premiere Pro training with one of our leturers, Mr Lodi, where he showed us the techniques we'll need for the Core Design Project. I quite enjoyed the training as I was not working on my comfort zone, whih has helped me to be more open-minded. 

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