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my creative journey


After the president announced that there will be a national lockdown, at first I was excited  since  am finally getting a break from school, but that was just the start of a whole new experience as as an individual and as a Design student.


During the course of the lockdown, my mental state was at its worst as I had no inspiration to create and was uncomfortable being in one environment. I have also been job-hunting since I am done with my Diploma and wanted to earn an income, but the process was not easy. Most companies and businesses were not offering jobs because of various reasons relating to the pandemic. I decided to continue with my studies and to acquire the right set of skills required for me to adapt well into the current situation we are under.


As the 2020 year went by and starting off with 2021, I have adapted to the "new normal" mentally, as I have started to focus on improving the set of skills I have and to learn new skills that would be adaptable for the Design workspace during the lockdown. 

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